Saturday, November 5, 2016

I'm new here...

Today, I did something I have never done before. I almost regret it, but it was too late to take it back. Kinda funny how technology works. I sent it, therefore, it is said.

Earlier this afternoon, I saw a video shared by Shaun King, our modern day Civil Rights leader, which was recorded in Standing Rock, North Dakota. This video showed a reporter getting shot. ACTUALLY SHOT! (Yes, it was with a rubber bullet, but seriously, that is not the point.) The reporter shared the video, which was graphic to say the least, showing her interviewing a native protestor and the subsequent shooting.

For those of you who haven't been paying attention, which is easy considering the lack of mainstream media coverage of the situation, in Standing Rock, North Dakota, protests by Natives and their allies have begun in response to what is being referred to as the Dakota Access Pipeline or DAPL. This pipeline, designed to bring oil through the region, will disrupt Native lands, people, cultural practices, burial grounds, and place great risk upon the water source of a Sovereign Nation--one placed there after white Americans slaughtered, sickened, and destroyed their people. Since the DAPL was proposed, it has been opposed, but in recent weeks, the dire situation has taken a violent turn as what can only be described as militarized police have disrupted their protests. Unfortunately, the situation has not gotten any better. Queue the video:

Upon seeing this video, I thought to myself, what can I do? I could go to Standing Rock? Not really. It's not close. I don't have the spare change and I have obligations here. Excuses? Maybe. But, I'm still home and I still don't have a plane ticket.

So, what can I do?

I had a bright idea. I was going to tell President Obama that it was time for him to act. I'm an American. I voted for him twice. He seems reasonable. Maybe if enough people call for him to take action, it will happen.

So, a letter? Nah, that takes too long.

I've got it! A facebook message!

So, I went to facebook, to the White House page and I sent a message to President Obama. Yeah, like he's gonna read it, right? ABSOLUTELY! They say that he reads 10 a night and responds. Will he read mine? Probably not. But, hey, if there is even a shot he will and he will intervene, I just won.

I will not bore you with the message. It was short and sweet, but the important part is that I did something. You should too. We need to do more in support of other people. We need to be better. We need to look past our own noses and start acting like we are in this together--because we ARE!

In the meantime, I will try to focus on what I can do to help so many miles away. I need to do more. I need to not feel hopeless. I need to stand in solidarity. I hope you will join me.


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